.. _contributing: Contribution and development hints ================================== The django-e2ee-framework project is developed by the `Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon`_. It is open-source as we believe that this package can be helpful for multiple other django applications, and we are looking forward for your feedback, questions and especially for your contributions. - If you want to ask a question, are missing a feature or have comments on the docs, please `open an issue at the source code repository`_ - If you have suggestions for improvement, please let us know in an issue, or fork the repository and create a merge request. See also :ref:`development`. .. _Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon: https://www.hereon.de .. _open an issue at the source code repository: https://gitlab.hzdr.de/hcdc/django/django-e2ee-framework .. _development: Contributing in the development ------------------------------- Thanks for your wish to contribute to this app!! The source code of the django-e2ee-framework package is hosted at https://gitlab.hzdr.de/hcdc/django/django-e2ee-framework. It's an open gitlab where you can register via GitHub, or via the Helmholtz AAI. Once you created an account, you can fork_ this repository to your own user account and implement the changes. Afterwards, please make a merge request into the main repository. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to create an issue on gitlab and contact the developers. .. warning:: For local development, you need a postgres and redis server available. They can be configured via environment variables (e.g. ``POSTGRES_HOST`` ``REDIS_HOST``, see the ``settings.py`` file in the testproject). Once you created you fork, you can clone it via .. code-block:: bash git clone https://gitlab.hzdr.de//django-e2ee-framework.git and install it in development mode with the `[dev]` option via:: pip install -e ./django-e2ee-framework/[dev] Once you installed the package, run the migrations:: cd django-e2ee-framework/ python manage.py migrate which will setup the database for you. Fixing the docs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The documentation for this package is written in restructured Text and built with sphinx_ and deployed on readthedocs_. If you found something in the docs that you want to fix, head over to the ``docs`` folder and build the docs with `make html` (or `make.bat` on windows). The docs are then available in ``docs/_build/html/index.html`` that you can open with your local browser. Implement your fixes in the corresponding ``.rst``-file and push them to your fork on gitlab. Contributing to the code ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We use automated formatters (see their config in ``pyproject.toml`` and ``setup.cfg``), namely - `Black `__ for standardized code formatting - `blackdoc `__ for standardized code formatting in documentation - `Flake8 `__ for general code quality - `isort `__ for standardized order in imports. - `mypy `__ for static type checking on `type hints `__ We highly recommend that you setup `pre-commit hooks `__ to automatically run all the above tools every time you make a git commit. This can be done by running:: pre-commit install from the root of the repository. You can skip the pre-commit checks with ``git commit --no-verify`` but note that the CI will fail if it encounters any formatting errors. You can also run the pre-commit step manually by invoking:: pre-commit run --all-files .. _fork: https://gitlab.hzdr.de/hcdc/django/django-e2ee-framework/-/forks/new .. _sphinx: https://www.sphinx-doc.org .. _readthedocs: https://readthedocs.org